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Assignment PD 1

Assignment PD 1

Q (Before attempting this assignment, be sure to click on "Modules" and read through the overviews, and watch the video. Be sure especially to read these two pages Introducing PD (Professional Development) assignments and Overview of PD 1) Read the instructions. (Click on the link to access the instructions.) • Doing a good job on this assignment requires at least several hours! • Read, think, write, and revise. • Be imaginative, but also be precise. • Have a little fun :) Resources • How to be creative -- this is an accessible copy of the article you need this for the warmup of this assignment o or see the original at the New York Times website • ARTstorLinks to an external site. library database -- this is where you get your images for your illustrations o log in with your ACES username and password o it may take more than one try to successfully log in; be persistent • Texts -- use these sources for the words of the original texts (in English translation, of course): o Tale of SinuheLinks to an external site. (a website) o Book of the Dead, spell 125Download Book of the Dead, spell 125 (a PDF) • How to take a screenshot: o On a PC -- use the "Snipping" tool. Instructions from Microsoft hereLinks to an external site.. Instructional video on YouTube hereLinks to an external site.. o On a Mac -- Command-control-shift-4 lets you select a portion of the screen, and copies it to the clipboard, so you can paste it into your document (with Command-V). See instructions from Apple hereLinks to an external site.. o On a Chromebook -- See instructions from Google hereLinks to an external site.. o However you take your screenshot, make sure you're capturing just a portion of your window -- just the artwork (and perhaps a bit of the ARTstor frame, too). • Topic: How to write well in humanities o General thoughts about good writing • Topic: How to format documents o Submit both parts of the assignment in one document. o Formatting is important, but it's okay to work on formatting last. o In particular, wait to the end to come up with a clever title for your document. Do not use "Creativity and the Tale of Sinuhe," since that's the name of the assignment. Be creative. Checklist Before you submit, be sure to: • Clearly distinguish the warmup from the main body of the assignment, using whitespace and titles. • Label the four scenes (first, second, third, fourth), and label the parts of each scene (A, B, C, D, E, F). • Include some basic identifying information and a URL for each image. • Include real text from the Tale of Sinuhe (in the first three scenes) and from Spell 125 of the Book of the Dead (in the fourth scene) • For each scene, write extensively in "C" about where we are in the story, and what the excerpt says. Make sure over the course of your illustration you give a sense of the full story of Sinuhe. • For each scene, write extensively in "F" about specific details in the image, and how you imaginatively connect them with specific details in the story. Connecting the visuals to the story -- and being creative about the connection -- is the heart of this assignment. Rubric Professional Development (PD) -- 100 points Professional Development (PD) -- 100 points Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation Good formatting (heading, meaningful title, page numbers). The parts of the document are easy to identify, with effective use of labels and whitespace. Paragraph breaks are used appropriately. Anyone who comes to the document can quickly figure out what's what. 15 to >11.67 pts Full Marks Good formatting (heading, meaningful title, page numbers). The parts of the document are easy to identify, with effective use of labels and whitespace. Paragraph breaks are used appropriately. Anyone who comes to the document can quickly figure out what's what. 11.67 to >0.0 pts Partial marks Some effort has been made to format the document appropriately, but there is also some room for improvement. Make sure all the parts of the document are easy to find, with effective use of labels and whitespace. Make sure to include a heading, meaningful title that you write yourself, and page numbers. See "Topic: How to format documents." 0 pts No Marks Little or no effort has been made to format the document. When you finish the assignment, ask yourself whether anyone who comes to your document can quickly tell what's what. See "Topic: How to format documents." 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWarmup The warmup exercise has been completed. 20 to >16.67 pts Full Marks The warmup has been completed, or almost entirely completed. 16.67 to >0.0 pts Partial marks The warmup has been partially completed. 0 pts No Marks Warmup is missing. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity The writing is easy to read and interpret. Sensible ideas come through loud and clear. The reader does NOT have to puzzle through the document and try to figure out what the point is. 15 to >11.67 pts Full Marks The writing is easy to read and interpret. Sensible ideas come through loud and clear. The reader does NOT struggle to figure out what the point is. 11.67 to >0.0 pts Partial marks Some good work writing clearly, but also some work for improvement. Consider reading your assignment out loud when you finish, and ask yourself how easy it is to understand the idea. Consider editing and proofreading more. Consider whether to use familiar words; avoid fancy words whose meaning you're unsure of. Consider visiting a writing tutor (and really, *every* student ought to take advantage of writing tutors!) 0 pts No Marks Very difficult to understand what's going on, or perhaps writing veers off topic. Work on maintaining focus. Ask lots of questions as you work. Visit a writing tutor (and really, *every* student ought to take advantage of writing tutors). 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness All parts of the assignment have been completed. All the requested information has been provided. All the analysis and connections requested in the instructions are present. 20 to >16.67 pts Full Marks Assignment is complete, or almost entirely complete. 16.67 to >0.0 pts Partial marks Some of the assignment has been completed, but some has not. Make sure to address all the matters that are required in the instructions. Perhaps some effort has been made to address each matter, but the writing is superficial and needs more depth. May just need to write MORE to develop your points. 0 pts No Marks Assignment is very incomplete. Little or none of the assigned work has been done. Writing may not relate to the assigned topic. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy Everything rings true. The information is correct and sensible. Effort has clearly been made to read and research the materials, and understand the relevant issues, and get the facts right on the page. 10 to >6.67 pts Full Marks Good work on getting the facts right. 6.67 to >0.0 pts Partial marks Some good work at accuracy, but also some room for improvement. Be sure to read closely and consult the materials provided in Canvas. Double check with your sources to make sure the information is presented correctly. 0 pts No Marks Many errors and misunderstandings. Little or no effort to understand the facts and present them accurately. Writing may be off topic and unrelated to the question that is asked. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInsight Fresh ideas that show reflection and study come through. The unique voice of a serious student can be heard coming off the page. The connections are bold and the explanations are compelling. The paper strikes the right note. 20 to >15.0 pts Full Marks Many good ideas here. 15 to >0.0 pts Partial marks Some good work developing your own ideas and writing with an independent voice. A little more time for thought and reflection might help develop them even more. Don't expect to develop all your ideas before you write; instead develop your ideas AS you write. Do your reading and research, then let them sit to the side for awhile, then find some quiet time when you can really focus and do the hard intellectual work necessary for developing independent ideas. 0 pts No Marks Little or no sign of independent thought. Little or no sign of working with the information to make an informed interpretation or a perceptive connection. Perhaps need to work on your writing process — do reading and research ahead of time, then set it aside, and a little while later come back and work on writing up your document. 20 pts Total Points: 100 PreviousNext Creativity and the Tale of Sinuhe

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